4 Ethical Considerations When Using Generative AI

What are Ethical Considerations When Using Generative AI

Imagine having a digital assistant that can create videos, write essays, code programs, and more just by writing the text that you want. That’s the power of generative AI. While this technology evolving it also raises important ethical concerns. Bias, misinformation, privacy, and ownership of created content are some ethical considerations when using generative AI. … Read more

Everything You Need To Know About Prompt Tuning

Everything You Need To Know About Prompt Tuning

Have you ever wondered how those amazing AI language models can understand and respond to your prompts so well? The secret lies in a process called “prompt tuning.” Prompt tuning is a technique that helps fine-tune large language models for specific tasks by providing them with relevant prompts and examples. It improves their performance without … Read more

What is the Role of Generative AI in Drug Discovery

What is the Role of Generative AI in Drug Discovery

In the world of medicine and healthcare, the search for new drugs and treatments is a constant battle against time and disease. As technology continues to advance, one tool that has emerged as a game-changer in drug discovery is Generative AI. The role of Generative AI in drug discovery is to design new molecules with … Read more

Top 10+ Uses of AI in Daily Life

Top Ways AI Is Already Transforming Your Life

Not long ago, artificial intelligence (AI) looked like science fiction. But today, AI is already transforming your life through virtual assistants, smart web services, personalized recommendations, and much more. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10+ ways AI is already transforming your life. From smart sorting of emails and picking out relevant stuff on social … Read more

What is the Purpose of Prompt Engineering in Gen AI Systems?

What is the Purpose of Prompt Engineering in Gen AI Systems?

As AI gets better, the importance of prompt engineering in generative AI systems becomes clearer. But what is prompt engineering, and what is the purpose of prompt engineering in gen AI systems? The purpose of prompt engineering in gen AI is to guide the model toward generating more clear outputs. It improves how people and … Read more

Top 5 Main Limitations of GPT Models

Main Limitations of GPT Models

GPT models are amazing language tools that can write like humans. However, it’s important to understand the main limitations of GPT models. These models are great at creating human-like text. But they don’t truly understand what they’re writing about. There are a lot of limitations of GPT models like a lack of true understanding, biases … Read more